Calculating Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return
NPV and IRR require you to enter cash flows... like the 12C Calc-12E supports grouped cash flows so while you are limited to 20 different cash flows, with grouped cash flows you can have up to 99.
To enter cash flow amounts that don't repeat:
* tap GOLD REG to clear the financial and storage registers
* key in the amount of the initial investment (zero if there is no initial investment), tapping CHS if that cash flow is negative
* tap GREEN CFo
* key in the amount of the next cash flow tapping CHS if the cash flow is negative
* tap GREEN CFj
* repeat until all of the cash flows have been entered
* enter the interest rate using i or 12÷
* tap GOLD NPV
If you have cash flows that repeat (grouped cash flows), say for example that one cash flow of $1000 happens three times in a row:
* tap GOLD REG to clear the financial and storage registers
* key in the amount of the initial investment (zero if there is no initial investment), tapping CHS if that cash flow is negative
* tap GREEN CFo
* if the initial investment consists of more than one consecutive cash flow of the same amount entered above, key in the number of those cash flows then tap GREEN Nj. This is the equivalent of entering <amt> CFo <amt> CFj <repeat-1> Nj. If GREEN Nj is not tapped, it is assumed that the cash flow occurs only one time.
* key in the amount of the next cash flow tapping CHS if the cash flow is negative
* tap GREEN CFj
* if this cash flow consists of more than one consecutive cash flow, key in the number of consecutive cash flows and tap GREEN Nj
* repeat until all of the cash flows have been entered
* enter the interest rate using i or 12÷
* tap GOLD NPV
For HP's description, please refer to page 58 of their manual:
Reviewing cash flow entries with the visual cash flow editor
When you want to review the cash flows, tap GREEN 9 and they will be rendered as a cash flow diagram. If there are more cash flows than will fit the screen, swipe in the normal fashion and they will scroll.
To exit the cash flow viewer, tap any calculator key OR scroll to the end of the cash flows and tap the one marked "END".
NOTE: the viewer uses the contents of the n register to indicate the number of cash flow groups to display, so it needs to be correct “in the HP way”, which means that if you have 5 different cash flow amounts, the n register must be equal to 4. 9 different amounts, n=8. If you haven't changed the n register between your last cash flow entry and wanting to view the diagram, all is fine.
Reviewing cash flow entries the HP way
To review a single cash flow entry there are three options...
OPTION 1: prepare an email report, they include cash flow details
* tap NPV or IRR, it doesn't matter--we just need to tell the email report generator that we want to see the cash flows
* tap the email icon, you will be taken to
* review the email, it lists the cash flows and the number of times they repeat
* send or cancel the email.
OPTION 2: review a single cash flow the easy way
* tap RCL then the number of the cash flow you wish to review; RCL 5 will display the 5th cash flow entry (CF5)
OPTION 3: review a single cash flow a harder way
* tap the cash flow number you wish to review (say, "5")
* store it in the n register by tapping n
* recall the cash flow by tapping RCL GREEN CFj
To review the number of times a cash flow repeats, or to see all of the cash flows, Option 1 above is the easiest. Alternately you can see them in reverse order by:
* tap RCL GREEN Nj... shows how many times the last cash flow repeated
* tap RCL GREEN CFj... shows the amount of the last cash flow
* tap RCL GREEN Nj... shows how many times the next-to-last cash flow repeated
* tap RCL GREEN CFj... shows the amount of the next-to-last cash flow
and so on
For HP's description, please refer to page 64 of their manual:
Changing cash flow entries with the visual cash flow editor
Tap GREEN 9 to view cash flows as a cash flow diagram. Locate the cash flow you would like to change swiping if needed, then tap the target cash flow. Make any changes (with the exception of Bonds the entire calculator is available) and when you are ready, tap the new number and the cash flow amount will be updated. You will be returned to the viewer.
At any time you can select a different cash flow to edit by swiping and tapping in the left hand portion of the editor display. The "first" cash flow will be left UNCHANGED, and you will be editing the most recently selected one.
Changing cash flow entries the HP way
To change a cash flow entry:
* key in the new amount for the cash flow
* tap STO
* key in the number of the cash flow (the j part of CFj, so to change the 5th cash flow you key in "5")
* tap STO
To change the number of times in a row a cash flow occurs:
* key in the number of the cash flow that you want to change (the j part of Nj, so to change the 5th cash flow you key in "5")
* tap n
* key in the number of consecutive times the cash flow occurs
*tap GREEN Nj
*Changing cash flow entries the old fashioned way
To change a cash flow entry:
* key in the new amount for the cash flow
* tap STO
* key in the number of the cash flow (the j part of CFj, so to change the 5th cash flow you key in "5")
* tap STO
To change the number of times in a row a cash flow occurs:
* key in the number of the cash flow that you want to change (the j part of Nj, so to change the 5th cash flow you key in "5")
* tap n
* key in the number of consecutive times the cash flow occurs
* tap GREEN Nj
For HP's description, please refer to page 65 of their manual:
Inserting and deleting cash flow entries with the visual cash flow editor
Bring up the cash flow viewer by tapping GREEN 9, then locate the cash flow that will come BEFORE the newly inserted cash flow and tap on it. So if you want to insert a new cash flow between flow #6 and #7, tap on flow #6. This will bring up the editor.
Tap GREEN PLUS to insert the new cash flow. It's default amount is the same as the one before it, so you can insert many copies by repeatedly tapping GREEN PLUS. If the amount needs to be changed, make the necessary changes and when you are done tap the new number to "commit" the change.
The selected (pale yellow) cash flow will be deleted when you tap GREEN MINUS.
Inserting and deleting cash flow entries the HP way
Only possible with the last cash flow... append a new one with CFj, “delete” the entire last cash flow group by reducing the contents of the n register by 1